Superannuation and Insurance Law

If you are unable to return to work due to sickness or an accident, you may be eligible to access benefits through your insurance. We help our clients to obtain financial security at a time when it is needed most.

Work & Personal Injury

Family Law

Criminal Law

Superannuation & Insurance Law

Medical Negligence Law

Wills & Estates Law

Employment Law

Community Pro Bono

Super & Insurance Law.

If you are unable to return to work due to sickness or an accident, you may be eligible to access benefits through your insurance. We help our clients to obtain financial security at a time when it is needed most.

We will help you with Personal Insurance & Superannuation claims, including:

Get in touch with us today to discuss your case and what kind of compensation you might be entitled to.

Eligibility & Benefits

Many people are unaware that they may be covered in the event of sickness or accident. It is important to check this information with your insurer to see what may be available. You may be eligible for Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD), Income Protection (IP), Sickness Benefit, Disability Benefit or Permanent Incapacity. Often these benefits can be paid in addition to other forms of insurance such as motor vehicle payments and work injury payments.

All superannuation companies are different and have different criteria for access to these benefits. It is important to seek legal advice about the benefits of each policy. There are time limits that may apply to certain Superannuation Policies when you have not been in employment for more than 2 years.

Furthermore, there is usually a waiting period depending on Superannuation Company of 3 months from the date you last performed any work. The Superannuation Company’s Policy and their Insurer’s Policy are often very complex and difficult to navigate. At Mahony’s Lawyers, we have extensive experience in dealing with Superannuation Companies and Insurers and providing effective results for our clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

I am unable to return to work through sickness or injury, what should I do?

Being unable to work and losing your income can be devastating for many individuals and their families. If you have been involved in an accident or fallen ill, we’re here to help.

You may be able eligible to access additional benefits through your superannuation fund. Many people are unaware that they may be covered for loss of income claims through their super fund. Often these benefits can be paid in addition to other forms of insurance such as work or motor vehicle injury compensation.

Mahony’s Lawyers can assist in reviewing your superannuation entitlements and advise if you are entitled to receive a payment through your superannuation cover.